Friday, December 7, 2012
Nice day
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Beat goes on
. KK cracked by T5. I am continually amazed by how many people check call at Hollywood. I get kings on the button. Four limpets in. Make it $25. Get five callers. Great. Flop comes with two tens. Bets and calls in front of me. I invest $25 more to spike a king. Fold after whiffed turn
AK utg. Make it $15. Folds to big blind who decides to defend. He flops trips. I lose the minimum when a king hits the river and I call
. Did make quad jacks. Had JJ. I limp utg. Looking to get it in. I had about $90 Argo guy makes it $20. One caller. I push. One fold. gro finally calls. Jack on all club flop. Turned quads. He had KQ. Other guy would have flopped a flush. If I had only had more money. Might have made more
. Did not donk off the the rebuy. God I hope the cards or me gets better soon
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Junk Punched at the Tables
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Hit and Run
Thursday, September 27, 2012
4X 4
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Guess Who,s Back?
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Since there is no more Pauly
Monday, June 25, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
More run crappy
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Run. Based
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Run goot.
The biggest winners for me where Aces vs Kings three times. Stacked them each time. It just reinforces what I already know to be a leak in my game. Patience. Got to wait for good cards and get paid
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Still here
Way to go Jayhawks. One hell of a rebuilding year.
Poker is up and down. I win. $500. Then lose. It is currently my turn to win next
Will post more when my laptop situation is resolved
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
And Again
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Playing again
This was put to the test immediately. I sit down and I get dealt what would be my first of just two pocket pairs of the three hour session. It was TT. I am in early position under the gun and decide to limp. A loose player in middle position makes it $15. He is called once and then raised to $50 by the big blind. I put my mantra to the test and fold. The original raiser and the big blind get heads up. The flop is K44. The big blind bets $50. The other dude tanks. He then gives a speech about not being able to put the small blind on a king so he calls. The turn is a 2. The bb goes all in and dude instant calls with the flopped boat, kings full. The bb had JJ.
Exactly one orbit later I get AA under the gun. In the one orbit I had seen, there was not one limped pot, so I decided to limp raise. I immediately get my wish. The kings full player made it $12. He gets called twice. I am estimating my raise when the JJ guy from earlier wakes up and stacks out $35 and raises it. Woot Woot. I make it $100. Everybody else goes away. The small blind thinks then just calls. We both had about $185 to start. I don't know why he just did not push here because he ends up calling my all in bet on the ten high flop. My aces hold. He said he had queens. He would go on to stack off three more times with big pairs he could not fold. He was an older gentleman. I read on memphismojos blog recently that older dudes have a tendency to hang on to over pairs too long. Seems true here.
I then skate around a bit up and down. I get 67 suited on the button. There is a $9 raise in early position that is called in five spots before me. I call. We see the flop seven ways. The flop is 85A. I am open ended. Under the gun checks. The guy next to him makes it $25. There is another caller. I call knowing that if I hit my draw it will get paid. The small blind immediately announces raise. Oh well $25 gone. He then makes it $60 total. Under the gun moves all in for a total of $75 more. The original raiser flats. That is all he can do here. The all in bet dictated that. The other original $25 caller goes away. I now have the odds to draw so I put in $50 more. All the small blind can do is toss in $15. The turn is the Jack of hearts. Amazingly the small blind checks. The original raiser checks. I too check. The river is the 9 of hearts. This completes flush draw and a highly unlikely gut shot draw with the T7 or QT. Can't really put anybody on any of those based on how the hand played. I am pretty confident I have the winner. Both players check. I immediately put out $100. The small blind calls. He shows AK and I scoop a very nice pot. The all in guy had AK as well.
I flop a nut flush and chip up to $800. I play a little more and give back a hundy. I cash out for $700. Not a bad three hours. Only pairs I got were in the first orbit or so.
Friday, March 9, 2012
The Horror
I bought again and started to splash. Not go. Got down to my last $50 and finally get my third and only big pair of the six hour session. Two red kinds. I say boom and go all in from middle position. The button had straddled and there were two callers. The button tanks and finally decides to call. It gets heads up on the flop and he says you have me crushed. I love it when players say this. Then why fucking call. Is that not poor poker?
Anyhoo. The door card is the king of clubs. Really nice start. Then the wheels fell off. Qc Tc to complete the flop. I knew I was behind immediately. Sometimes you just know. Thee board did mot pair. The button sheepishly revealed Ac5c for the flopped flush. I told him it was not the worst call I had ever seen. Remember I had AA cracked by 29os on a $40 pre flop call. It happened again another session ago. I had QQ in the small blind. The button straddled. I bet $30. Folds to the button who smooth calls. The flop is 332. Long story short I stack off to 3h7h. This is how I am running.
I blame Howard Lederer.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Back again
I became restless so I found the only open black jack table. I sat down and waited for the shoe to end. This ten dollar table combines black jack with three card poker. For a separate five dollar bet you can play three card poker as well. Three of a kind, straights, flushes and straight flushes all paid 9-1. I pushed my first hand and lost my 3 card hand. Second hand I hit my 3 card hand and won my black jack hand. I never looked back. The guy to my left started taking my action. I started taking his. I hit a 3 card hand for $10. $90 pay out. He hit three hands in a row that I was playing with him. That shoe made me almost $200. Nice to have your buy in for poker before you sit down. I lost down to $150 when my seat opened. Fun start
I got my seat. The one seat. I am beginning to really enjoy the one and ten seats. Easy to see the cards and almost all the players. Well, my heater continues. Second hand I get AA. Win smallish pot. Next hand JJ. Take down the blinds. Fifth hand AK get called two places. Queen high flop and I c-bet and take it down. I see a flop with J9 on the button. Flop two pair and bet into six other players when checked to me. Only the big blind calls. Turn is a K. Sort of scary with the oesd getting there. I bet again and get smooth called. River is a beautiful 9h. Checked to me and I bet nearly all the other players stack. $50. He calls instantly. He just had a K. I like this guy. He goes and reloads.
A few hands later I get AA again. The table had been raising a bunch and I was under the gun, so I limped. The King guy picks up chips and makes it $25. Love it. Come on callers. Come on callers. No callers. I look at his stack. He has about $80 left. I decide to just push. I know he has a big pair, probably kings. If he had more I would have bet different, but he was already steaming from earlier and he was never gonna fold here with that stack. He instant calls me. I flip over AA and he groans showing his KK. The guy next to him says he folded a king. Nice. He does not improve and I have more than doubled my buy in.
I get 55 in the big blind and it is checked pre flop. I am heads up with an early limper. Check a KJ3 board. Turn is a 5. Bingo. I am running well. I check. He checks. River is the Td. This puts the royal flush draw out there. I just check. He bets 55 I just call. He had two pair. Damn missed a bet.
I played till the big blind than left. Less than an hour and I had made $217. Coupled with my black jack winnings I was up $367 for a little over an hours work. Nice.
Just in case, I bought a Powerball ticket at the store today.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Played a bit
Only real poker hand I had was flopping the nut flush with KJd and getting called all the way down by a guy with AJ who made two pair on the river. Double up.
Oh and how could I forget? I limp in with 89d as I am wont to do. The small blind makes it $16. There are two callers before me and so I decide to take a flyer and call. I put him a big pair. He was pretty tight. We see a 9 high flop with one diamond. He throws out a smallish bet of $25. One caller to me and I call. I was thinking I need another 9 or 8 or possibly a diamond to continue with the hand. The turn is a oh so sweet 9h. Original raiser checks and the other caller checked. I stack out $70 and push it in. The original raiser starts bitching. "Really" and "you gotta be kidding mes" Left and right. He finally folds. The other caller lady thinks for a while and finally calls. Uh oh. Smells like full house to me. The river is the 5 of hearts. This completes a crappy straight and the flush. She checks. I check and say I only have a nine. She has AA and I scoop. The guy who was bitching should have thanked me. He had QQ. The AA lady would have busted him.
He kept complaining about my play. I don't mind. I love ABC poker players. They have never expanded their game. 89 suited is a great hand to see a flop with against an over pair.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Holly Blah
Monday, February 20, 2012
Went to the morning session at the new casino with my buddy Big Slick. He did not fare so well. Down $500. That was hard to imagine considering he flopped quads, three sets, two straights and a full house. He also rivered quads. The full house he had to split when the board double paired, but every other hand he won. He loves betting and chasing draws. They just did not hit today.
I was up another $260. Flopped a set with 44 on a 48A rainbow board. Great board considering half the players at our table would call down with any ace. I made a straight with Q9c on the turn. The small blind had flopped top set with JJ and pushed all in into the nuts. Nice day for me. Not much else.
Good Day
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Hollywood Casino Part Deux
Had my choice of two tables when I sat down. Went with two women. I know, I know. I am a stereotyping bastard. Well, the other table had a bunch of regulars. I did not notice one regular at the chick table.
I sat down and immediately noticed that the lady next to me had very little knowledge of the game. Her hand motions while in a hand can only be described at erratically tentative. Almost as if every action was a question, only performed so swiftly in order to avoid embarrassment. If she was wrong she would just play it off like she was doing something else. When she rivered two pair on a four way checked down board, I heard her give a little squeal. She put in a $5 bet with great self satisfaction. The other lady was a total rock. She was playing next to her husband. He was weak tight. Two other dudes were just as bad. I had picked the correct table.
The one truly talented player at the table raised it to $11 in early position. Four callers to me in the cutoff. I have AcQc. I call of course. If I were in the blinds and it was off suit, I probably fold. I really do not like AQ. The big blind comes along and we see a flop of KcTc3c. Gin!!!! The original raiser makes it $35. Folds to new girl. She says "oh well" and goes in for a total of $60. I put out a stack of $100. Big blind folds and original raiser folds. He flashes JhJC. I win. She never showed Would have liked to see. I love playing with new players. It is like time traveling back to when I first started playing. I have long since come to grips that I too once played and behaved that way.
Over all it was a good day. I flopped two pair three times and won. I turned a nut straight. I flopped a set. Everything just seemed to work today. Nice.
Overall myself and many regulars at the Missouri casinos are in agreement. The new casino has generated great games. Just like last week. There were eight "fish" and two "sharks". For lack of better terminology. I am no shark but I ain't no guppy. Usually the ration is reversed at the other casino's. Hope it lasts.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Hollywood Casino
The advertising campaign leading up to its opening billed Hollywood as Kansas City's first true Vegas like gaming experience. They sort of got there. It obvious it is not riverboat like the Missouri casinos. The ceilings vault. There is no smelly river. Everything is state of the art. Slots, table games are all shinny and new. They biggest non Vegas amenity is the alcohol. It is most definitely not free. No big deal, as I rarely drink and play poker.
The poker room is nicely and conservatively adorned. Just like the rest of the casino. There is not much flash, neon or flashing lights. Other than the slots that is. I walked up to the podium to put my name on the 1/3 nl game. I had to wait a while as the men in suits still seemed to be learning the ropes. The list was ten long and I put my name on it. They took my cell number so I could be texted when my seat was available. This I really liked. The other rooms do not do that. In fact I have never been to a Vegas room that does that, though I am sure it exists.
I wander off and lose $75 playing table games. I get my text 30 minutes later and go get my seat. The tables are nice and the chairs swivel and are comfy. The only issue is they shoehorned 12 tables into a space for 10. Hard to get around and no matter where you sit you are getting bumped by other players.
The play was way soft. A lot of players must have come in from the Kansas side that do not usually make it over to Missouri. I saw a lot of the regulars but only two were at my table. Usually the ratio is reversed. I get in cheap with 57d. Flop is 3s6d8d. Two of us call smallish bets to the river where I hit my straight. It checks to me and I get two players to pay me $40. I hit two sets in two hours. End up a buy in. Lots of calling down with top pair this day. Nice.
Over all a nice experience. It will be interesting to see how it all shakes out. I have the Bravo Poker Live app for my phone. Lets me see how many games are going on in all three poker rooms. Yesterday, Hollywood had 9. Ameristar 3 and Harrahs 3. The average used to be nine between Ameristar and Harrahs. So Hollywood must be drawing from the west.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The only had one semi strange incident at the poker table, I was at the Golden Nugget playing 1/2 nl. Eventually there was a button straddle. Now in Kansas City where I play most of my poker wherever the straddle is, action begins with the hand immediately to the left of the straddler. At the Golden Nugget, they only allowed,as far as I could tell, button straddles. Furthermore, the action always started with the under the gun player and continued normally until it reached the button straddle and then skipped him. Then the blinds would act and then action reverted back to the button.
Is this normal in Vegas? Is this normal anywhere else? I had never seen it and I am intrigued.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Last Thursday. Not sets. Barely any pairs.
The drought continued.
Just Tuesday I play again. I sit a t a 3/6 table to pass the time. Play three hands before my 1/2 seat opens up. Sit at seat seven and immediately realize that my $214 buy in was not nearly enough. Apparently the game had been going on all night. There were stacks of $1000, $1500, $800, $700 and a few more in the $500 range. I brought a pee shooter to a tank battle. The only other stack near mine was just under $200 but he doubled up as I was sitting down. I almost got up and went back to 3/6 and just see flops. Ameristar allows players to buy in for up to %75 of the largest stack. I could have bought in for $1,125.00. I just did not have the scratch. I only brought the one buy in. They are always starting new tables in the morning. This is the first one I have seen go all night.
I get KK in middle position. Drunk utg guy puts out two chips with a sloppy gesture. He realizes one is red and tries to take it back. Another player says it has to stand and the dealer affirms this. They tell him not to worry, someone will raise it. I oblige and bump it to $15. I get three callers including drunk guy. The door card is the Ks. Bingo. It is starting to rain. The nest two cards are the queen and jack of spades. Poorly textured flop to say the least. Drunky checks. I decide to check to see what the other guys will do. It get checked around. The turn is a red 9. Not getting better. Drunky bets out $25. I resign myself to call it down unless the board pairs or the case king shows up. It is now heads up. A red 4 hit the river. Drunky makes the same bet. I sigh and call. He says all he has is a pair of queens. I table my set and win. Woot. The best part was drunk guy saying he was trying to be cute with his opening bet. I guess he was angle shooting with AQos. Too funny.
I get pocket queens and slow play them some time later. I flop another set and get some more of drunkys chips.
Drought busted.
Funny annoying moment of the session. Drunk guy and seat 10 get into a pot together. There is some betting and it gets to the river. Drunk guy says you have a pair you win. Seat ten states he has second pair and drunk dude puts his hand over the muck, waiting to see the winner. Ten waits for him to show. They get in a debate. Drunk guy telling him to just show his hand. The dealer steps in and explains to drunky that he made the last bet so action is to him. Show your hand and fold. Drunky kept saying the same thing to seat 10. To his credit seat 10 would not relent. This went on for over a minute. I told drunky to just show his cards or fold. As did the rest of the table. Finally the dealer told him to decide or he would call the floor. He mucked.
I get what the drunk player was doing. I have done it myself. Hold my cards out with my missed drawing hand. Most of the time they flip it and I fold. If they decline I act immediately. No biggie. One time recently I missed my flush and checked down the river with an older man seated right next to me. I tell him if he has a pair he wins and hold my hand out to muck. He decides to play the asshole card and nearly yells at me "then show your hand or fucking fold". I had not had any dealings with him until now. I was taken aback by this outburst. I show my missed draw and tell him thanks for the rules lesson dick. He mutters something about the rules again. I said yeah I fucking know, but up until now it had been a friendly game. All he had to say is show me yours. He apologized later.
Monday, January 9, 2012

Nice of the squirrel to pose eh?
Anyway, what was intended to be a mission to feed the birds and attract some color to my back deck has turned into a battle between myself and the tree rats. They honed in on the suet cake almost immediately. They made short work of it. I tried to thwart their onslaught by storming out the door. Throwing rocks. I even used my sons Nerf gun. I hit one in the ass. Alas undeterred by my defenses, the varmits won.
Tree rats 1
Morning Thunder 0
They then set there sites on the seed feeder. I purchased this style because it specifically touted itself as "squirrel proof". I used it all last year and no squirrel issues. This year different story. The squirrels have been dining on seed until today. I had the feeder a little higher in the tree yesterday. Its former location was near a branch that might as well of been a dinning room chair. The squirrels just sat on that branch and spent their sweet time digging out the seed. You can see they have eaten about two to three inches worth of seed in one day.
Last evening I moved the feeder to the chair. It hangs a little lower, but the tree rats cannot get to the seed. Now I have never seen more than two squirrels at, or around the feeder. Since the seed is no longer easily acquired, they seem to have brought in the whole brain trust. I looked out the door this morning and there were six tree rats on the deck, feeder or tree. There was one charged with getting at the seed. The others were watching intently. Chirping him on. The best minds in the squirrel race seem to be stumped.
Tree rats 1
Morning Thunder 1
It must have been a good year for nuts in the neighborhood. There are way more squirrels than the previous five years we have lived here. We used to have a few owls living in the woods behind us. They seem to have moved on or died. Hence the explosion in the population I suppose. A hawk has moved in now. It came screaming by my window a few months back no doubt after a meal. I am hoping my little bird feeder ends up feeding a bird of prey. Serves them right. Don't steal from the little pretty birds, their scary big brother might be watching.
Friday, January 6, 2012
The Grump
The game is 1/2. It is full of regulars. I am slowly becoming one of semi regulars. They have seen me enough and recognize me though they do not know my name yet. It is a grind, but that is okay. I like seeing flops.
I am chipping down on this day. I make my gut shot straight and lose to a full house. Down to $130 of my original buy in. I am in late position when I get The Grump It is the 2h4h. I limp for the $2. The button immediately makes it $10. There are three callers so I put in the extra $8. I tell myself I am crazy for playing this hand only because a certain blogger extolls its virtues on a semi regular basis. I see lots of flops but not a many rivers with the mighty 24. The flop comes out 7d 2d 4c. Bingo. Checks to the button who bets $15. Folds around and I call. Heads up. The 4d falls on the turn. Super bingo!!!!. This card is the best card I could hope for. It gives me the third nuts and completes the flush draw. I decide to bet at it. I have played with the button before. He will call here with the nut flush draw or with any two pair. I bet $35. He calls quickly. The river is the 9d. I decide to check, having put him on the flush draw. Usually the regular jump on weakness and will make a stab here. He checks though and tables Qd7h. I guess he put me on the flush draw and was looking for the 7. I missed a bet. He would have called a little something with the Qd.
I am back on the 24 wagon.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Praad and Me
I play for a bit and have $$130 in front. I limp in late position with 78os. It is nearly a family pot. Flop is 456 two clubs. Gin!!!! I bet out $7. The button makes is $25. The big blind flats. I push all in for $120 more. The button deliberates and tanks for a while. I am pretty sure he has A2. He finally calls. The big blind shrugs and says he is priced in. He calls. The turn is the 8 of spades and the river is the Q of diamonds. I flip the winner and have both of them barely covered. I more than triple up and am happy happy. The button had 62 of hearts The big blind flopped two pair.
Dealer mishap of the week. I was not involved in the hand. Action is after the flop. Player makes it $30. The button moves all in for $37 more. He announces all in for $37 more. The dealer was talking to someone else and says to the original raiser $37 total. He puts out $7 more for the call. The button objects and she realizes her mistake and fixes it. She looks at me and says something like I just repeat what I hear. No no no!!! That is not your job. Your job is to pay attention and call the action correctly. You clearly are not listening Please do not half ass it. Frustrating.
Funny hand of the night. I was not in it. Utg limps. Next player makes it $15. Button calls. The player next to me calls The big blind calls. Utg moves in for $65 more. The original raiser quickly stacks his chips and moves in. This is done with the confidence that comes only from having aces. The player next to me folds flashing AKs. He knew he was crushed. The button folds The big blind tanks. He has about $65 in front of him. He finally mutters something about being pried in and calls. The original raiser proudly flips over his AA. The flop is Kd Kc 7h. The guy next to me is kicking himself. I told him it was still the right play. The turn in the 4d. The river is the Qd. Utg groans and mucks. Never found out what he had. The big blind peers at the board and after some time flips over wait for it, wait for it, T5 of diamonds. He went runner runner flush with crap to beat him. It was awful. The slow roll. The horrible beat. The AA guy was livid. It was funny listening to T5 justify the call. When there is $400 in there he had to call. In actuality the most he could win was $240 or so minus the rake. Probably not even that much with the utg guy only having $70 or so to start the hand.
Prasad rallied and was up over $400.
It was a good night.