Monday, May 24, 2010


I really liked the finale. It took me to a place I did not expect.


Did it really just boil down to good vs. evil in a battle for their souls?

Is Jacob Jesus?

Is Smokey Satan?

Was Ben born again at the end?

How does one get an invite to the church at the end? Where is Eko and Michael and such?

Did they all die in the plane crash or with the Nuke?

Did Rose and Bernard already know they were dead when they helped Desmond?

Do the needs of the many out weigh the wants of the few? Was Spock right?

What is up with the dog?

Is purgatory a bench outside a church in southern California?

When does the movie come out?

Addendum: What is up with Daniel Faraday? If he is not going with them, then who?

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